Opening Time: Sunday to Thursday

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200+ Project Done

image About company

We are most popular repair company

We are the most popular repair company, celebrated for our exceptional service and expertise. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the rest

Don’t feel heat when there is best air conditioning seat

How it works

Making technology again
working for you

Booking Online

Convenient online booking allows you to schedule services quickly and effortlessly, anytime and anywhere

Discuss Budget

Flexible budget discussions ensure tailored solutions that fit your financial needs while delivering top-quality service.

Get Confirmation

Get confirmation of your service appointment quickly and easily with our streamlined scheduling system

Happy Services

Experience happy service with our dedicated team, ensuring your satisfaction with every interaction

Residential Repair Service

Commercial Repair Service


Expert Technician


Total Branches


Project Complete


Happy Customer
image Technician Team

Our dedicated & expert
team member

Senior Technician

Ali Hassan

Founder Of Pixa

Nadeem Ahmad

Support Engineer

Ahsan Ali

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